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"Escape" from Neiva Snowboards
The latest all-mountain snowboard for the 09/10 winter season has arrived from Neiva Snowboards... and its selling faster than they can make 'em!
Since everyone who has ridden one is raving about the "Escape" we won't pretend to give an unbiased review - we'll simply pass on the concensus that this snowboard out performs most others across the whole mountain - here's a nice description of how this snowboard rides, from the Neiva pro riders.
Pro snowboarder Dane Harlamert reviews the Neiva Escape 09/10 snowboard:
"This board surprised me. I expected an all mountain board that did everything (except ride switch) well but nothing that would drop my jaw like it did. This board floats in the deep like a dream while still being maneuverable enough to charge thick tree runs. The chowder (chewed powder) was a blast as the lines got a little cut, the board kept me on top even after the powder started going down. It still eats the groomers like that was its only purpose. Turning the Escape around I found it felt like I had just switched my stance on the board, not like I was riding a directional board backwards. The chop (packed bumpy snow) was fine as long as I didn't try to ride it like a groomer and carve through everything. Letting the edge skid a little in the chop makes this board fit right into the nasty spots. The edge hold was superb and boosted my confidence even on icy sections. So far I have yet to find a disappointing thing about the Escape."
Pro snowboarder Lynn Neil reviews the 09/10 Neiva "Escape" snowboard:
"The Neiva Escape is a snowboard for an aggressive rider who wants a strong board to power through turns. The escape is a true "all" mountain board that is made of quality materials for a quality ride, and is great in the park as well as the steeps and deeps. Turning through steep ice and crud is a breeze and it feels so smooth and easy.It has a lot of ollie pop and is strong when landing big park jumps. It is easy to flex and press on boxes and rails. Being able to ride the powder and cliffs, moguls, and park and pipe all on one board is really convenient. Not only does Neiva take pride in the quality of their snowboards, but also their relationship with customers. Being a smaller company allows Neiva to make sure you receive a quality snowboard. With Neiva, you get the care and respect a larger company can't give you. They strive to make sure you get more than what you paid for. Neiva should be the next snowboard you ride."
'nuff said, snoman. (not mobile)
Ski Holidays & Ski Resort Guide Check out
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