Me, Myself and I- Todd Richards Interview And Teaser
- August 24 2009
DVD’s will go on sale early October. Also make sure to mark your calendars for October 9th for an online premiere and live chat with Todd! Check back for more details and teaser below.
The Todd Richards movie what’s the title?
Me, myself and I, basically because it’s a self-centered movie, centered around me—Me, Myself and I.
Would you say it’s pretty evenly split between snowboarding, history, and interviews? What can we expect to be watching?
Yeah there is a snowboard section back from when I was filming with Mouse, Dawger, and Fall Line, all that old stuff is in there. There are a lot of interviews—it’s a kind of a biography about myself and coming up in the sport. It’s not by any means the next People movie. But if you’re taking the time to watch this you probably will all ready know that. If you’re into getting a history lesson and being entertained at the same time, this is the movie for you. If you came to watch snow porn then maybe just skip the snow and just watch porn because you’ll get a way better pay off.
You also have a book, is the movie anything like it?
Well considering it’s based on my life there’re some similar stories in there, but it’s not based off P3 [his book] by any means. It’s not a scene-by-scene reenactment at all. A lot of interviews and insight from different people throughout the industry, it’s pretty much a roast. I get roasted a lot by people, which is cool. A lot of awkward stuff about my child hood and shit like that
So a lot of stories about you. Is the story of you shitting your pants in there?
I think I eluded to the shit your pants story. But no, I didn’t recreate it because that would be awkward. God I should of recreated shitting my pants … I’m not afraid to shit my pants on television though. Although back then it was probably only a couple hundred of people, but now I could shit my pants in front of millions of people!
Are you hosting the Olympics, you could do it on there?
I am, Vancouver 2010. (long pause) Sure …. if I could get an energy drink to sponsor me shitting my pants on TV I would do that for sure. I would probably get a huge contract to do it. Or better, ex-lax… I would shit my pants on live TV at the Olympics if I could get a huge check from ex-lax. If you could work on that for me …
Chris Wellhausen Photo
All right, back to the movie. Do you think kids are going to wonder why a snowboarding newscaster has a movie about his life?
So I’m a snowboarding newscaster? (Laughs) Well it’s an educational thing… I guess that’s a good point. Maybe people will want to know what’s up with the beginning of the sport because there is a lot of that stuff in there. A lot of the movie relates to me in when I was nerd and runt growing up. It doesn’t matter to snowboarding guys that I’m a snowboard newscaster, it’s more about if I could pull myself out of the East Coast and the situation I was in, anybody could. It’s more about that than it is ‘Snowboarding’s Howard Cosell has a movie made about him.’ My life is way more interesting than a snowboarding newscaster … come on.
Austin Smith seems to believe that this movie might be similar to Benjamin Button? Have you heard anything about why you might be similar to that guy?
Well Matty Ryan calls me the snowboarding Benjamin button.
Because you seem to only get better with age?
That’s cool. I like that, yeah … I’m like a fine wine although much like a fine wine if you leave me in the heat or sun I go bad very quickly (laughs).
So this explains why your Quiksilver team manager Brian Craighill says you’re able to maintain that fourteen year old attitude at all times?
I just try and not get caught up with hating everything … like he does (joking). If you base your life on what would fit into these jeans I’m wearing right now you will get very sour very quickly. If you roll with an elitist attitude then you will never relate to anybody. Not saying Craighill does that (laughs) just anybody in general.
Back on subject, how long were you working on this movie for?
It’s been in the works for about two years. Compiling footage and doing interviews takes a lot of time and the director Josh Landan is the person that needs to get that credit because I’m the worst at getting that crap done. I can set up interviews and convince my friends to sit down for them, but ultimately Josh has to go there and listen to them blabber on about me for hours. Whether it’s them ripping on me, or whatever it’s still time consuming. I literally don’t even want to see the movie before the premiere. That way when it’s over I can just be like “that’s a bunch of lies, I didn’t say any of that stuff.”
Anything else you want to say?
It’s funny, just go and see it. If That’s It That’s All is in the upper right, we’re like in the bottom left corner at the bottom of the page. Josh also did the Tara Dakides movie, which is probably a more dramatic version. Mine would be the comedy. There is a lot of self-deprecating humor, a lot of people rag on me in the interviews. It’s pretty cool you know, a lot of history.
When is the release date?
The DVD release date will be towards the end of September beginning of October depending on when all that duplication stuff is done. The premiere though is the 21st of September at La Paloma Theater in Encinitas.
So what’s next for Todd Richards?
Toddcast stuff! There’s the whole Toddcast thing on the Quiksilver web site. It’s just getting bigger and gaining momentum—hopefully that parlays into something else. I’ve got a couple things going on with some cable network stuff, then the Olympics and of course Omatic is in there. I’m getting tired just thinking about it. It’s fun, I’m just keeping the dream alive.
Sponsors for the movie?
Quiksilver, Nixon, and DC—those are the people that are bringing you this movie, oh and ex-lax…hopefully. If we can get every one to take ex-lax and get them to simultaneously shit their pants while pounding energy drinks. We would be dealing with an energetic explosive of diarrhea. That could even be an X Games event.
Where can I go pick up a copy?
Your finer snowboard stores. VAS is distributing it, go to their web site. Probably Wal-mart, K-mart … anything with a mart at the end.
Me Myself and I - Todd Richards Snowboarding Documentary from vas entertainment on Vimeo.
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