Friday, December 18, 2009

X-DANCE ACCEPTED FILMS 2010! Announced.....

X-Dance Logo 2010

This has been an incredible year for film entries. The level of filmmaking reaches new heights every year. Hundreds of films have been submitted from all over the world. Almost half of the films submitted were from outside the U.S.A. X-Dance is truly the premier event for International Action Sports Filmmaking!
The difficult part of this process is determining which films will make the festival. The competition was extremely high this year! If your project did not make the final list, it doesn't mean that your project was not a good film, it's just that we are very specific in what we're looking for. We judge all films equally on the basis of filmmaking merit, not sport genre, sponsors or budget. The five categories we judge the films on are: Cinematography, Editing, Story, Music, and Action. Each of the five merits are given equal value. The films that ultimately make it into the festival score well in most, if not all, of the filmmaking categories, making them a good balance of story and action. Films that were all action with no story or any dialogue with the athletes, fared the same as films that were all talk and no action. X-Dance believes that it is this balance that will move the Action Sport Film industry away from "Action Porn", into legitimate filmmaking recognition of a much broader scale. We have already seen great results for the filmmakers that have participated in X-Dance!
Attendance is required by the Filmmaker/Producer or athlete for all accepted films! If you can't have a representative in attendance please let us know ASAP! Everyone that submitted a film can (and should) be part of the festival. We will give all filmmakers that submitted films passes to every event. The X-Dance Film Festival was created as a forum for everyone in the Action Sports Filmmaking Industry. We will be conducting the X-Dance Filmmakers Institute with seminars, and panels. The subjects matters will deal with real issues facing the Action Sports filmmaker: Emerging Internet demands in regard to content providing, music licensing, digital and hard copy distribution, and legal issues that arise from everything mentioned above. We will have the top people in the industry from each category there to raise the level of awareness and help you.
The reason we hold X-Dance during the Sundance Film Festival is for the filmmakers to immerse themselves in Sundance and its activities. We will post a listing of Sundance Film Festival activities so that you can participate. Check out the Sundance Film Festival website ( Screenings, workshops and seminars are open to you as filmmakers. Use the Sundance Festival to inspire your career!
This is the 10th anniversary of X-Dance! This will be a great year for us. We will be presenting Warren Miller the "lifetime achievement award". Warren will be attending and participating in the festival this year. The O.R. (Outdoor Retailer) convention is also in town at the same time. Our venue is right in the middle of both O.R. and Sundance, by no accident.
Thank you from all of us at X-Dance for your incredible film submissions and the passion that went into making them! We look forward to celebrating your creativity and the Actions Sports Culture with you at this year's X-Dance Film Festival.
Brian Wimmer
X-Dance Film Festival
Director / Founder

This is the list of accepted FEATURE films for the 2010 X-Dance Film Festival (short films will be announced very soon):
(in alphabetical order only)

Film Title:

Production Company:


Africa Revolutions Tour

River Roots

Rush Sturges, Tyler Bradt

Black Winter

Standard Films

Travis Robb



Eric Pollard

Dear & Yonder

Cinema Paradisio

Tiffany Campbell

Everyday is a Saturday

Poor Boyz Productions

Johnny DeCesare

Fiberglass and Megapixels

Sandy Beach Productions

Derek Hoffmann, Craig Hoffmann


Highmark Films Inc.

Jorli Ricker

Kranked 8 Revolve

Lizard Skins

Bjorn Enga

Last Paradise

Paradise Films NZ

Clive Neeson

Long Weekend

Stuck In Ohio Productions

Dan Mizicko

Lost Prophets-search for the collective

Corban Video Productions

Nathan Apffel


Fuel TV

Corey Adams,Alex Craig

Me, Myself, and I

The Background Collective

Josh Landan

Mind of the Demon: The Larry Linkogle Story

Lone Gut Productions

Adam Barker

Modern Collective

Poor Specimen Productions

Kai Neville

Mount St. Elias

Gerald Salmina

Nice Try

People Creative

Justin Eeles & Pierre Minhondo

Open Space (The untold stories of Mike Basich)

Hand Built Produtions

Mike Basich, Dalton Paley

Parks Bonifay Documentary

Alliance MultiMedia

Keith Kipp,Josh McWiliams

Red Bull Project X

Red Bull Media House

Claude Merkel


Level 1 Productions, Inc.

Josh Berman

Sea of Darkness

Cinema Paradisio

Michael Oblowitz

Second Nature

Sector 9

Colin Blackshear, Ari Marcopoulos


Sweetgrass Productions

Nick Waggoner

Smell The 'Crete / S.T.C.

Skater Made Films

Bart Saric


Jmills Entertainment

Jeremy Miller

The B

The Burton Corporation

The Burton Corp

The Drifter

Sipping Jetstreams Media

Taylor Steele

The Edge of Never

Edge of Never Productions

William A. Kerig

The Present

Woodshed Films

Tim Lynch

The Tipping Point

Clay Porter Productions

Clay Porter

The Ultimate Ride: Maddison/Millen

The Ultimate Ride, LLC

Erich Lyttle

Transitions- The Simon Dumont Story

Empire Productions

Riley Poor

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